28 November 2016

Thetford Priory, Nunnery Lakes Nature Reserve and Barnham Cross Common

Thetford Priory was one of the largest and richest religious foundations in medieval East Anglia.....
founded in 1103-1104 by Roger Bigod a close associate of William the Conqueror (my relly!).

The Prior's lodging ..... King Henry VII visited in 1498/99....

The refectory......

The church and nave.....

Nunnery Lakes Reserve ......
the reserve follows a series of lakes created by old gravel workings

Natural tunnel of Hawthorn, Dog Rose and Wild Hops....

Wildflower meadows...

One of the lakes...

And as a trip out is never complete without coming across a ruined abbey or church, and as we rounded the corner back to the car we weren't disappointed....  medieval ruins in the grounds of Nunnery Place House:-

The Nunnery Place House is a grade II listed building circa early 17th century ....

Barnham Cross Common....


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