08 October 2013

Fleam Dyke, Cambridgeshire yesterday afternoon .......

Fleam Dyke is one of Cambridgeshire's most impressive ancient earthworks and a rare surviving example of chalk grassland environment.  It was built over a period of 150 years from late 5th to early 7th centuries AD and was probably built by the East Anglian Saxons to control the Icknield Way, the ancient routeway into East Anglia from the West.  The bank and ditch run for 5 Km between the former fen edge of Fulbourn and Balsham.  Such an interesting, peaceful and fascinating walk into history ....

We parked in Stonebridge Road, Fulbourn, and the start of Fleam Dyke is about 15 minutes walk from there....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your photos are a treasure just as they are, your effort to also add fascinating historic facts make your blog priceless! With so much rubbish going on today on blogs and books.. it is heaven to take part of something that really matters. You are a star!

xxx Arne

8 October 2013 at 23:12:00 BST


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